How to Create One-on-One Time With Each of Your Children

As parents, we understand the importance of spending quality time with our children. However, with busy schedules and multiple children, it can be challenging to ensure each child gets the individual attention they need. So what’s the solution?


Well, since one-on-one time is crucial for building strong relationships, boosting self-esteem, and improving communication, we want to help you carve out the time specifically for this. Here’s how you can create meaningful one-on-one time with each of your children – no matter how busy you are.

Understand the need

Every child craves undivided attention from their parents. Therefore, it’s essential to recognise the signs that your child needs some extra attention. These signs can include acting out, becoming unusually quiet, or seeking constant approval. By being attuned to these signals, you can better meet your child’s emotional needs and strengthen your bond. one-on-one time

Choose quality over quantity

It’s not about how much time you spend, but how you spend it. For example, a focused, distraction-free 10 minutes can be more valuable than an hour of divided attention. Make those minutes count by being fully present.

Schedule daily time

Set aside a specific time each day for one-on-one interactions. Whether it’s 10 minutes in the morning or a bedtime chat, consistency is key. Tailor this time to fit both your schedule and your child’s preferences, ensuring it becomes a cherished routine.

Utilise spontaneous moments

Life is full of unexpected opportunities for one-on-one time. Use car rides, meal prep, or even waiting in line as moments to engage with your child. These impromptu interactions can be just as meaningful as planned activities.

one-on-one time

Join their activities

Show interest in your child’s hobbies and activities. Whether it’s playing a video game, reading a book, or building a model, participating in their interests shows that you value their passions and enjoy spending time together.

Plan longer sessions

Monthly or quarterly ‘dates’ with each child can create lasting memories. Especially, if you let them help plan these outings to ensure they are engaging and enjoyable. These special times can become treasured traditions that your child looks forward to.


Tips for maximising one-on-one time

Engage positively: Keep the interactions positive and engaging. Praise good behaviour, celebrate achievements, and focus on having fun together.

Minimise interruptions: To make the most of your one-on-one time, try to keep your other children occupied with their own activities. This helps minimise interruptions and allows you to focus solely on the child you’re with.

Avoid distractions: Put away your phone and other digital devices. Showing that you are fully present and attentive reinforces the importance of the time you’re spending together.

Be consistent: Even on busy or challenging days, strive to maintain your one-on-one time. Consistency shows your child that they are a priority, no matter what else is happening.

Be flexibile: Life can be unpredictable, so be flexible. If you miss a scheduled time, make it up later. The goal is to maintain an overall balance of attention and care.

one-on-one time

Creating one-on-one time with each of your children is not about grand gestures but about consistent, meaningful interactions. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can strengthen your relationships, boost your child’s self-esteem, and foster open communication.


Remember, the goal is to create positive and lasting memories, and even small efforts can make a significant difference. Don’t worry if you can’t be perfect all the time; what matters is the overall effort and the love you share.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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How to build joy, connection, and calm into your daily family life

Parenting is one of life’s greatest adventures, filled with moments of joy, connection, and sometimes, a bit of chaos. And, as parents, we all strive to create an environment where our children feel loved, understood, and secure.

However, for those who feel like the chaos sometimes outweighs the time for calm and connection, this blog is for you. Here are some practical ways to build joy, connection, and calm into your daily family life.

The power of joy

Joy is a powerful force in a child’s emotional and mental development. It creates lasting positive memories and helps build a resilient mindset. When children experience joy, they’re more likely to feel confident, curious, and engaged with the world around them.

Tips for increasing joy

  • Engage in playful activities: Whether it’s outdoor games, board games, or imaginative play, these activities allow children to express themselves and bond with you.
  • Celebrate small wins: Celebrate your child’s small wins, be it a good grade, a new skill, or even a kind gesture. These celebrations don’t have to be extravagant—sometimes a high-five or a special dinner can make all the difference.
  • Create traditions: Family traditions, no matter how simple, give children something to look forward to. It could be a weekly movie night, Sunday morning pancakes, or an annual camping trip. These traditions create a sense of continuity and belonging.
  • Encourage hobbies and interests: Support your child’s passions, whether it’s drawing, football, reading, or dancing. By encouraging their interests, you help them find joy in their pursuits and build, connection, and calm

Tips to strengthen your connection

  • Practice active listening: Active listening means giving your child your full attention, showing empathy, and validating their feelings without judgment.
  • Think quality time, not quantity: Spending undistracted time with your child is crucial. Engage in activities that promote bonding, such as cooking together, reading bedtime stories, or taking nature walks.
  • Communicate openly: Encourage open and honest dialogue with your child. Create a safe space where they feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and feelings. Use age-appropriate communication techniques to ensure they understand and feel heard.
  • Be physically affectionate: Never underestimate the power of a cuddle. Physical affection helps children feel secure and loved, strengthening their emotional bond.
  • Use technology wisely: Balancing screen time with face-to-face interactions is essential. Use technology as a tool for connection—such as video calls with distant relatives—but also make time for tech-free family, connection, and calm

Creating a peaceful family environment

When parents model calm behaviour, it teaches children how to handle stress and challenges with composure. Here are four ways you can create a calm and peaceful family environment:

Routine and structure

A consistent daily routine provides predictability, reducing anxiety and creating a sense of safety for children. Knowing what to expect helps them feel more in control and less stressed.

Mindful parenting

Practising mindful parenting means staying present and composed, even in challenging situations. By modelling calm behaviour, you teach your children valuable coping skills.

Stress-reduction techniques

Incorporate stress-reducing activities into your family routine, such as yoga, deep breathing exercises, or quiet reading time. Creating a calming space at home, perhaps a cosy corner with soft lighting and books can also help. joy, connection, and calm

Handling conflicts calmly

Conflicts are inevitable, but handling them calmly can teach your child vital conflict-resolution skills. Approach disagreements with a calm and rational mindset, and encourage your child to express their feelings and work towards a solution together.


Bringing more joy, connection, and calm in your family life are essential steps towards a happier, healthier dynamic. These strategies benefit your child’s development, enhance your relationship, and create a loving, supportive environment. After all, parenting is about the journey, and with a bit of joy, connection, and calm, it can be the most rewarding adventure of all.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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Parenting without burnout? How to manage stress and thrive

Feeling completely exhausted from parenting? You’re not alone. Parental burnout is real and can leave you feeling overwhelmed, irritable, and totally disconnected. We all know that you need to be in tip top shape not just for your children, but for your own well-being so this is what this blog is all about.

Here are some practical ways to reduce stress, manage it better, and make sure you’re looking after yourself.

Recognise and address stress

First things first, you need to spot the signs of stress. Parental burnout might show up as feeling overwhelmed, anxious, irritable, or just plain exhausted, so when you notice these red flags, it’s time to take action.

Little things like a brisk walk, a cuppa, or some deep breathing can work wonders to help you stay balanced and fend off burnout.

Parental Burnout

Stress management techniques to reduce parental burnout

  1. Deep breathing: When parental burnout hits, deep breathing can help calm your nervous system. Inhale slowly and deeply, then exhale just as slowly. Do this for a few minutes each day to keep stress at bay.
  2. Physical activity: Regular exercise reduces stress hormones and boosts endorphins, lifting your mood. Even short bursts of activity, like a quick jog or dancing with your kids, can make a big difference.
  3. Mindfulness and meditation: Practicing mindfulness or meditation helps you stay present and reduces anxiety. There are plenty of apps and online resources to guide you through these calming practices.

Self-care strategies

  1. Prioritise sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial, especially since poor sleep can worsen stress and parental burnout. The solution? Create a calming bedtime routine and a restful sleep environment.
  2. Healthy diet: Eating a balanced diet can boost your energy levels and improve your mood. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, veggies, and whole grains in your meals.
  3. Set boundaries: Learn to say no and set boundaries to protect your time and energy. This might mean delegating tasks or asking for help from family and friends. Remember, it’s okay to prioritise your own needs to combat parental burnout.Parental Burnout

Building a support system

  • Seek social support: Sharing experiences and advice can provide emotional relief and practical tips, helping you manage parental burnout more effectively.
  • Professional help: If stress becomes overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek help from a counsellor or therapist. Professional guidance can offer strategies tailored to your situation, making it easier to cope.
  • Family involvement: Get your family involved in your self-care routine. This includes co-parenting strategies where responsibilities are shared more equitably, easing the burden on you.

Incorporating positivity and play

  • Focus on the positives: Celebrate small victories and enjoy quality time with your children to combat parental burnout.
  • Problem-solving: When faced with challenges, break them down into smaller tasks and tackle them one at a time.
  • Playtime: Play is a natural stress reliever and helps build a stronger parent-child bond, which can significantly reduce feelings of burnout. Parental Burnout

Taking care of yourself is key!

Tackling parental burnout means recognising stress, using effective stress management techniques, practicing self-care, building a support system, and adding positivity and play into your daily routine.

Always remember, looking after yourself isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity for being the best parent you can be.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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Nurturing young minds with the power of yoga for children and adults

Early Years Wellbeing Week highlights how important mental health is for young children. This week-long celebration focuses on how mindfulness and yoga can enhance the well-being of both children and adults. Let’s take a look at how these practices can create a balanced and happy life for you and your little ones.

The importance of mindfulness

Mindfulness is all about being present and aware of your thoughts and feelings without distraction. For both children and adults, it can work wonders by reducing anxiety, boosting focus, and improving emotional control.

Yoga for children can be a fantastic way to introduce mindfulness. This activity not only helps children stay calm and focused but also supports their overall mental and emotional well-being.

Yoga for children

Yoga as a tool for mindfulness

Yoga is a fantastic way to promote mindfulness, combining physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. These elements work together to help children and adults focus on the present moment.

Specific techniques, like balance poses and visualisation through storytelling, make yoga for children engaging and effective. These activities not only enhance physical health but also teach children to stay calm and attentive, improving their overall mental well-being.

Benefits of mindfulness and yoga for children

Yoga and mindfulness help children:

  • Manage their emotions, leading to better self-awareness and acceptance. This emotional regulation is crucial for their overall development.
  • Concentrate and focus better, aiding their performance in everyday activities.
  • Physically. Yoga enhances flexibility, strength, and coordination, supporting overall physical health.

Yoga for children

Benefits of yoga and mindfulness for adults

Yoga and mindfulness aren’t just for our children, they can also benefit adults. Activities lead to:

  • Stress reduction:
    • Helps reduce stress levels
    • Promotes relaxation and calmness
  • Improved mental health:
    • Reduces symptoms of depression
    • Alleviates anxiety
  • Physical wellbeing:
    • Increases flexibility
    • Builds strength
    • Enhances overall fitness

Integrating yoga and mindfulness into daily life

For children, parents and educators can integrate yoga and mindfulness into daily routines through simple practices. For example:

  • Starting the day with morning stretches that include yoga for children can set a positive tone.
  • Mindfulness breaks during school help children stay focused and calm.
  • Bedtime yoga helps them unwind and get ready for a good night’s sleep.

Yoga for children

Adults can benefit too!

  • Scheduling yoga sessions before or after work can relieve stress and promote relaxation.
  • Mindfulness exercises during breaks keep you centred and calm.
  • Short breathing exercises throughout the day help maintain a sense of tranquillity amidst the busyness.

Embracing mindfulness and yoga for a balanced life

Early Years Wellbeing Week is a perfect opportunity to embrace these practices and incorporate them into daily life. By doing so, we embrace a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle for ourselves and our children.

As Sharon Salzberg wisely said, “Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it.” Embracing yoga and mindfulness can pave the way for long-term wellbeing and a more fulfilling life!


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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“Cynefin” – Building a Sense of Belonging in Our Children

Have you heard about “Cynefin”? This concept is integral to the new curriculum for Wales, which aims to help children feel connected to their community and heritage. 

Never heard of it? We’ve got all the information about Cynefin and its benefits for your children. 

What is cynefin?

Cynefin is a Welsh concept that means more than just habitat; it signifies a deep sense of belonging, rootedness, and identity. Culturally, it plays an essential role in Wales, highlighting the importance of understanding one’s place in the world and connections to community and heritage. This sense of belonging and identity is crucial for creating a cohesive and supportive community.

Cynefin in the new curriculum for Wales

The new curriculum aims to build a sense of belonging in children by incorporating Cynefin. It emphasises learning about local history, language, culture, and the environment, helping children understand and appreciate their heritage. By doing so, it strengthens their identity and connection to their community, promoting a well-rounded, inclusive education.


How does cynefin impact children?

1. Boosts self-esteem and social skills

Understanding and feeling a part of their Cynefin can have a profound impact on children’s development. It can:

  • increase their self-esteem,
  • enhance their social skills,
  • and deepen their connection to their community.

When children feel a sense of belonging, they are more confident and better equipped to engage with the world around them.

2. Enhances cognitive and emotional development

Engaging with their cultural and historical context helps children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Furthermore, it creates emotional resilience, as children who feel connected to their heritage and community often exhibit greater emotional stability. This comprehensive approach to learning supports not only their intellectual growth but also their emotional well-being, preparing them to navigate the world with confidence and a strong sense of identity.


How do schools promote cynefin  

Day-to-day activities to help embrace cynefin could include:

  • Storytelling sessions: Sharing local legends.
  • School trips: Visiting historical sites.
  • Welsh language lessons: Learning the language and traditions.
  • Community projects: Participating in local events.
  • Nature walks: Exploring local nature to connect with the environment.
  • Art projects: Creating artwork inspired by local culture and history.
  • Guest speakers: Inviting community members to share stories and experiences.

How can we help our children with cynefin?

You can explore local history together, participate in community events, and encourage your children to ask questions about their heritage. These activities help reinforce the sense of belonging and rootedness that Cynefin promotes.


Building a supportive environment

Creating a supportive and inclusive environment is essential both at daycare and at home. Therefore, collaboration between daycare staff and parents is key to reinforcing the sense of belonging in children. 

By embracing Cynefin, we can help our children develop a strong sense of belonging and identity, fostering their overall development. Together, parents and daycare staff can create a supportive environment that nurtures confident and connected individuals.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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8 Strategies for Promoting Well-Balanced Technology Use for Families

Technology is everywhere, shaping how we communicate, work, and even relax – and with it comes many challenges. For parents, technology use can bring incredible opportunities BUT it can also significantly impact family life (and not in a good way!).

Since striking the right balance is crucial for our children (and our own sanity!), this article explores some practical strategies to ensure your family benefits from technology without being overwhelmed by it.

1. Understand the impact of technology

Technology offers great benefits, like educational resources, connectivity with loved ones, and endless entertainment. With the right apps, learning becomes engaging, and staying in touch is simpler than ever.

However, overuse can reduce face-to-face interactions, lead to dependency, and impact mental health. It’s crucial to be aware of these risks to prevent technology from disrupting family life.

Simple actions to take:

  • Teach responsible and purposeful technology use.
  • Explain which apps are beneficial and why.
  • Guide thoughtful choices about screen time.

Technology Use for Families

2. Establish family guidelines

One of the best ways to manage technology use for families is by creating a plan. This plan should outline clear boundaries for screen time and the type of content that is appropriate. Having these guidelines helps ensure everyone in the family is on the same page.

Make sure your rules are suitable for the ages of your children and flexible enough to accommodate different situations, like holidays or remote learning periods.

3. Use parental controls

Implement parental controls on devices to manage what your children can access. This helps ensure they are only exposed to age-appropriate content and it limits their screen time.

4. Encourage positive role modelling

Setting a good example as parents or guardians is key, so you need to be aware of your own usage of technology. For example, show your children how to balance tech use by putting devices away during meals and family time. This helps reinforce the idea that not all moments need to be captured or interrupted by screens.

Technology Use for Families

5. Practice open communication and education

Keep the conversation about technology ongoing. Talk openly about both the benefits and risks, making sure your children understand digital literacy and safety. This proactive approach helps them understand the digital world more confidently.

Our tip: Don’t wait for issues to arise! Discuss potential problems like cyberbullying and exposure to inappropriate content ahead of time. Equip your children with strategies to handle these situations, ensuring they feel safe and supported in their online interactions.

6. Promote offline activities

Encourage your family to engage in activities that don’t involve screens. Outdoor play, reading, and family board games are great alternatives to reduce technology use for families. These activities help build bonds and create memories without the need for technology.

Technology Use for Families

7. Use technology purposefully

Make the most of technology by using educational apps and programs that enhance learning and creativity. These tools can make education fun and engaging, interactively providing valuable skills.

Another great use of technology is to stay connected with extended family and friends, especially when physical visits aren’t possible.

8. Regularly review and adjust

Regularly review and adjust your family’s technology use policies to keep them relevant. This ensures they meet your family’s changing needs and circumstances effectively.

Technology Use for Families


Balancing technology use for families is challenging – but trust us when we say that it is crucial for well-being. Not just for your children, but for the whole family and yourselves as well. If you implement these eight strategies that we’ve outlined above, you’ll soon see a happier, healthier, and more harmonious relationship with technology in your household. Not to mention, you’ll all spend so much more time with each other, making memories that last!


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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How the gentle parenting approach creates emotional intelligence

Raising our children with empathy, respect, and understanding is at the heart of the gentle parenting approach. It’s no wonder then, why this method is becoming increasingly popular. 

Today, we’re exploring the core principles of gentle parenting, debunking some common myths, and sharing practical tips to help you create a loving and respectful family dynamic.

What is gentle parenting?

The gentle parenting approach is about nurturing and building strong, positive relationships rather than using traditional, authoritarian methods.  It’s about understanding children’s feelings, treating them as individuals with their rights, and fostering their emotional growth. 

Gentle parenting encourages open communication and mutual respect, creating a more supportive and loving family environment.

gentle parenting approach

Core principles of gentle parenting

Empathy: Recognising and validating children’s emotions is crucial in gentle parenting. It involves active listening and emotional validation, showing children that their feelings matter. 

Respect: Building a respectful relationship with your children is key; this means setting clear boundaries while maintaining mutual respect. It involves using respectful communication, such as listening to their views and speaking kindly.

Understanding: Creating a supportive and understanding environment is vital for children’s emotional growth. This requires patience and positive reinforcement, to help kids feel secure and valued. Techniques like considering their perspectives and addressing their needs thoughtfully encourage a deeper connection and better behaviour.

gentle parenting approach

Common misconceptions about gentle parenting

You may think the gentle parenting approach only works with easy-going kids. In reality, it’s a structured, effective approach for all children. It involves setting boundaries and consistency, not just letting children do whatever they want.

Here are some examples of how to address behaviours with gentle parenting:

  • A tantrum in a public place: Stay calm and respond empathetically. Offer choices to give your child a sense of control.
  • Sibling rivalry: Resolve conflicts respectfully by promoting open communication and understanding each child’s perspective.
  • Bedtime battles: Address fears and establish comforting routines to make bedtime smoother and more secure.

The pros and challenges of gentle parenting 


  • The gentle parenting approach offers long-term emotional and social benefits for children, enhancing parent-child relationships and fostering self-discipline and emotional intelligence. It builds trust and security, leading to open, honest communication. 
  • Children learn to navigate challenges with support rather than fear by encouraging problem-solving skills and independence, reducing stress and anxiety. 
  • This approach also promotes strong emotional regulation skills, resulting in better behaviour and social interactions.

Overall, gentle parenting creates a nurturing, positive atmosphere that benefits the entire family.

gentle parenting approach

Challenges (and how to overcome them)

Adopting gentle parenting can come with its own set of challenges.

Parents often struggle with staying consistent and patient, especially when faced with public tantrums or sibling rivalry. Practical tips include setting clear, realistic expectations for yourself and your children, seeking support from like-minded communities, and practising self-care to maintain your own emotional balance. 

Remember, the key is to stay consistent and patient. Embracing these challenges as learning opportunities can help you grow alongside your children, making the journey more rewarding.


Gentle parenting, with its emphasis on empathy, respect, and understanding, creates a nurturing and supportive environment for children. It helps build stronger parent-child relationships and fosters emotional intelligence and self-discipline.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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Encouraging Independence in Children: Rewards and Daily Routines to Help Children Be confident

Encouraging independence in children is crucial for building their confidence and self-reliance. By integrating daily routines and reward systems, along with practical tools like charts and routine templates, we can significantly aid this developmental goal.

Here´s how.


The importance of routine in encouraging independence

Establishing a routine is fundamental to encouraging independence in children. Why? Because regular schedules provide the necessary structure and predictability that´s essential for healthy development. 

For example, such routines:

  • enhance confidence,
  • reduce anxiety during transitions,
  • and provide a sense of security.

And this allows children to confidently tackle new challenges.


Age-appropriate chores to build independence

Incorporating age-appropriate chores into daily routines teaches responsibility and encourages independence from a young age. Here’s how chores can be tailored by age:

  • Toddlers: Putting away toys, and placing dirty clothes in the laundry.
  • Young Children: Making beds, helping to set the table.
  • Older Children: Assisting in meal preparation, and managing personal hygiene.

encouraging independence in children


Effective use of reward charts to encourage independence

Reward charts are excellent tools for motivating children, linking specific tasks to rewards and creating a positive feedback loop. Examples include:

  • Sticker charts for younger children to reward daily tasks.
  • Point systems for older children, where points are exchanged for larger rewards.


Daily routine charts to build structure

Routine charts help organise a child’s day, instilling structure and predictability. For example:

  • Morning charts: Include tasks like making the bed and brushing teeth.
  • Evening charts: Focus on preparing for the next day, such as packing school bags and getting ready for bed.
  • Chore charts: Listing daily chores.

Read: Age Appropriate Chores for Children to Help Them Learn Valuable Life Skills

encouraging independence in children


Customising routines to encourage independence

As children grow, their routines should adapt to align with their developmental stages and changing needs. Flow-style routines offer flexibility, adjusting to daily demands while providing structure. For instance, bedtime might vary based on the day’s activities or the child’s tiredness levels.


Encouraging independence through structured play and decision-making

Allowing children to play independently and make decisions about their activities encourages creativity and problem-solving skills. For example, encourage: 

  • Independent playtime: to build creativity and self-sufficiency.
  • Choice in activities: to enhance decision-making skills.
  • Problem-solving tasks: to boost logical thinking.

encouraging independence in children


How parents can encourage independence in children

Encouraging independence in children means providing opportunities for children to make decisions and allowing them to understand the consequences. Therefore, parents should aim to be supportive guides rather than directors of their children’s daily activities.

For example, allowing a child to choose their outfit for the day teaches decision-making. Even if the result is a mismatched ensemble. Parents must sometimes step back and let children tackle challenges independently, stepping in only when necessary. This approach not only boosts a child’s confidence but also cultivates critical problem-solving skills as they learn from their successes and mistakes. 


Empowering future generations

By encouraging daily decisions and problem-solving, we enhance children’s confidence and judgment, preparing them for future challenges.

These strategies collectively play a crucial role in encouraging independence in children, providing a foundation for them to thrive in all areas of life.



At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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How to let your child engage in risky play (without having a heart attack)

Learning to assess hazards and understand risks in life is a normal part of an adult’s every day – but how did we learn to do this – and how can we teach our children to do the same?

Taking risks and learning from them is an inevitable and important part of growing up. And as parents or carers, it is our responsibility to encourage healthy risk-taking behaviour. By understanding different types of such behaviour and the motivation behind them, you can set children up for success and reduce their risk of harm in future life.

Here´s our essential guide to risky play.


Why is risky play important?

Children take risks for a number of reasons. As some children develop mastery of a task, they take risks to improve their skills; for example, as pre-schoolers, they may try balancing on logs in their favourite park, which can lead to them walking on top of a wall by a river as they turn into teenagers! Some risk-taking behaviours stem from an effort to assert independence and develop autonomy.

We tend to associate the term risk with dangerous activities, but risk-taking behaviours can be healthy, too. For example, when your child steps outside of their comfort zone and participates in a new activity, or when they are joining a new leisure club, or auditioning for a role in the latest school play – these all come with risk and sometimes disappointment, but isn’t that a part of learning how to deal with new situations when they are older?

Such healthy risk-taking behaviors are a normal and important part of child development and should be encouraged as your children learn to make good choices and become more skilled and independent.

risky play


Guidelines for safe risk-taking

Providing children with opportunities to take controlled risks helps them grow, so how can we do this (without giving ourselves a heart attack)?

When it comes to facilitating risky play safely, it’s all about striking the right balance between freedom and safety. Here are some practical tips for parents and educators:

  • Adopt the “As safe as necessary” approach: Instead of trying to make everything ‘as safe as possible’, focus on making environments safe for children to explore risks without danger. 
  • Use the 17-second rule: Before stepping in, pause for 17 seconds to observe how a child handles a risky situation. This brief moment can provide insight into whether the child can manage independently or needs your help.
  • Create safe boundaries: Design play areas that encourage risk-taking within a safety framework. This might mean setting up a climbing frame with appropriate fall mats, choosing safe locations for playing near elements like water, or supervising activities that involve tools.

risky play


Age-appropriate risky play and its benefits

Risky play is a dynamic way to support a child’s development. Not to mention that it teaches resilience and independence within a safe environment!

Let’s explore the types of risky play and their benefits:

  1. Play with heights: Climbing trees and structures allows children to develop their coordination and assess their limits. For toddlers, this means supervised climbing on low structures. Preschoolers can tackle more complex climbing challenges, and school-age children can ascend to greater heights under watchful eyes. risky play
  2. Experiencing speed: Activities like riding bikes or sledges give children a sense of speed and motion. Toddlers can enjoy gentle pushes on swings, preschoolers can start with tricycles, and older children can handle bikes and sledges on varied terrains.
  3. Using tools: Handling tools, such as building forts with real hammers or saws, teaches responsibility and fine motor skills. Supervised tool use starts simply with preschoolers, who might use screwdrivers under adult supervision, and expands to more complex tools for school-aged children.
  4. Playing near elements: Being near elements like water and fire can teach children about natural forces and safety precautions. Water play can begin with shallow paddling pools for toddlers; supervised beach trips are great for preschoolers, and you can explore more adventurous water activities like kayaking for older children, always under strict supervision.
  5. Rough-and-tumble play: Wrestling and play fighting help children understand social boundaries and physical capabilities. This form of play should be closely monitored to ensure it stays friendly and fun. risky play
  6. Disappearing games: Games like hide-and-seek offer independence and exploration. Toddlers can play peek-a-boo; preschoolers can enjoy hide-and-seek in safe indoor spaces, and school-age children can extend their play to larger yet secure outdoor areas.


Your role in risky play

The tendency of parents to wrap children in cotton wool has transformed how some children experience childhood today. It is important to remember that risk-taking is a normal part of a child’s development; it allows a child to define his identity and grow as an individual.

When children play, they move from what they know and can do—and what is, therefore, familiar and boring—to what is engaging, exciting, uncertain, and new. By taking risks, children build their capabilities, explore their emotions, expand their horizons, and test boundaries. They also gain practical experience of taking responsibility for their own safety.

So, talk to your children about risks and discuss ways to reduce the negative aspects of risk. Give your child opportunities to participate in healthy risk-taking behaviour and model appropriate risk-taking behaviour. Be brave by stepping back and giving your child space, but ensure you’re within reach that´s comfortable for you!


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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Why is it important for a child to feel safe?

Why is it important for a child to feel safe?

Since it´s Child Safety Week, we thought this was an important question to answer.

At Schoolhouse Daycare, we are committed to child safety and ensuring that every child feels secure and nurtured in our environment. After all, this is key to helping them learn and grow confidently, and for the healthy development of their young minds.

If you want to know more about how to make a child feel safe and why this is so important, read on.


The importance of feeling safe and valued

Feeling safe and valued is essential for a child’s development. Research shows that children learn best when they are free from fear, enabling them to fully engage and take intellectual risks. 

A secure environment fosters effective and meaningful learning, encouraging active participation and the embrace of challenges. This supportive setting not only enhances their academic journey but also promotes their overall well-being, making it crucial to make a child feel safe to unlock their full potential.

Read: Professional Love in Early Years Settings: Why it´s Essential


Practical strategies to make a child feel safe

Ensuring that children feel secure is fundamental to their development. Here are five practical ways to make a child feel safe, drawn from expert recommendations:

  1. Limits and boundaries: Establish clear rules that help children understand what is expected of them. This predictability makes the world less intimidating and helps children navigate their environments more confidently.
  2. Control: Always remain calm and be a voice of reason, especially during moments of misbehaviour. Remember, such moments often mean a child is struggling with emotions and needs your guidance to learn appropriate responses.
  3. Availability: Be consistently present, especially after conflicts or challenges. Quick reconciliations show children that disagreements don’t affect your love and support, reinforcing a sense of security.
  4. Acknowledge mistakes: When mistakes occur, admit them. Demonstrating that everyone, even adults, can err and recover teaches resilience and honesty.
  5. Routines and schedules: Maintain a consistent daily routine. Regular schedules provide stability and comfort, especially during times of change or stress.
  6. Open communication: Foster an environment where children feel comfortable expressing their feelings and concerns without fear of judgement. Encourage them to talk about their day and share both positive experiences and worries.
  7. Physical comfort: Sometimes, physical reassurance such as hugs, holding hands, or a pat on the back can help provide a sense of security. Gauge what each child is comfortable with to ensure they feel supported in a way that respects their boundaries.
  8. Educate on safety skills: Teach children basic safety measures like knowing who to contact in an emergency, understanding their home address, and how to assess safe versus unsafe situations. This knowledge can empower them and reduce anxiety about the unknown.

make a child feel safe


In conclusion, we can make a child feel safe by establishing a secure, supportive environment. Using practical strategies like clear boundaries, constant availability, and open communication, we can nurture children’s confidence and well-being.

These efforts not only help children thrive in the present but also equip them with the resilience to face future challenges.


Champions for child safety

At Schoolhouse, we are proud to partner with the Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) during Child Safety Week. Our collaboration underscores our deep commitment to child safety, amplifying our impact on community safety initiatives. 

This partnership demonstrates our dedication to creating safer environments for children. Together with CAPT, we strive to make a child feel safe, embodying our core values through active community involvement.



At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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