
  • "We are very happy with the care that our daughter gets at Schoolhouse. The staff are all very caring and she has really developed social skills being at the nursery."
    – Sian Richards, daughter Erin Richards (Bridgend)
  • "We have been very happy with the care of all three of our children. Staff are always accommodating to needs and routine." – Sian & Will Havelock, son Rohan Havelock (Bridgend)
  • "The helpful and friendly staff did a fantastic job of putting two nervous parents at ease.  There are plenty of activities for the children and good inclusive feedback is given at the end of each day.  The staff are enthusiastic and enjoy what they do, so you feel your child is their number one priority.  This also creates a great atmosphere for children to be in. Couldn't recommend enough."
    – Claire and Roz (Singleton)
  • "Amelie is a different child to before she started at nursery, and I know that this is because of the routine, care and attention she gets." – Maeve Brisk (Singleton Swansea)
  • "Dear all, many thanks for taking excellent care of me and teaching me many things including English! I have had a great time in nursery but now I am going to school. I will come back to the holiday club soon! Lots of love." – Rebecca Del Sol Gonzalez (singleton Swansea)
  • "To all the girls in Tweenies, thank you so much for looking after Oscar so well. He had a bad experience at his first nursery so it is amazing that he settled in so quickly with you all at Singleton. This is a testament to how caring and friendly you all are. Thank you so much for all your hard work. He seems to be loving it in the Toddlers section but I'm sure he is missing you all very much! Best Wishes." – Holly, Mark and Oscar Bowtell (Singleton Swansea)
  • "It is great to hear about Oliver's progress at Parent's evening. I love the book and gorgeous photo's. Thank you very much."
    – Denise Sullivan' (Singleton Swansea)
  • "Dear Jayne/Rachel and all nursery staff. Thank you so much for the lovely card and book you gave to Isaac. We're so grateful and really touched. We took the book into hospital, he loved reading it - fire engines are a big hit at the moment! Isaac is all recovered and back to his normal energetic self!   –  Suzy Tolley (Singleton Swansea)
  • "Dear Staff and Friends, just to say a big 'diolch yn fawr' for both Elis and Mabli's lovely presents when Mabli became a big sister to Elis. We were so touched by how thoughtful you all were, and by your good wishes."
    – Lloyd, Katie, Mabli and Elis Ebden (Singleton Swansea)
  • "Parents evening was very informative, I enjoyed hearing 'Suzy stories' thank you." – Katy Prosser' (Singleton Swansea)