Welcome to Schoolhouse Daycare Nurseries

Croeso i Meithrinfeydd Schoolhouse Daycare


“Every family is individual; every child is special”

“Mae pob teulu yn unigol; Mae pob plentyn yn arbennig”

At Schoolhouse we share a commitment to nurturing all children in our care, encouraging confidence, inspiring creativity, stimulating curiosity… and making life just that little bit easier for your family.


Who are we?

Choosing childcare is one of the biggest decisions parents have to make. We like to think a visit to any one of our six Schoolhouse day nurseries will put your mind at rest. You’ll see plentiful play opportunities, experience a bright and safe environment, chat to dedicated and enthusiastic staff… and more importantly, meet lots of confident, independent, happy little people!

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Vision & Values

At the heart of Schoolhouse are 5 core principles which reflect all that we do.
Nurture – Children will be cherished with love and care in a happy, supportive and safe environment where everyone is made to feel special. Inspire – Play equipment, toys and learning materials will be chosen for their creative and educational benefits while outdoor play-areas will be designed to…

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Recent Blogs

  • gentle parenting approach

    How the gentle parenting approach creates emotional intelligence

    July 10, 2024

    Raising our children with empathy, respect, and understanding is at the heart of the gentle parenting approach. Gentle parenting focuses on building strong, positive relationships rather than using traditional, authoritarian methods. 
    Today, we’re exploring the core principles of gentle parenting, debunking some common myths, and sharing practical tips to help you create a loving and respectful family dynamic.
    What is gentle parenting?
    The gentle parenting approach is all about nurturing and focusing on empathy, respect, and positive discipline. It’s about understanding children’s feelings, treating them as individuals with their rights, and fostering their emotional growth. 

    Gentle parenting encourages open communication and mutual respect, creating

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  • Encouraging Independence in Children: Rewards and Daily Routines to Help Children Be confident

    July 5, 2024

    Encouraging independence in children is crucial for building their confidence and self-reliance. By integrating daily routines and reward systems, along with practical tools like charts and routine templates, we can significantly aid this developmental goal.
    Here´s how.
    The importance of routine in encouraging independence
    Establishing a routine is fundamental to encouraging independence in children. Why? Because regular schedules provide the necessary structure and predictability that´s essential for healthy development. 
    For example, such routines:

    enhance confidence,
    reduce anxiety during transitions,
    and provide a sense of security.

    And this allows children to confidently tackle new challenges.
    Age-appropriate chores to build independence
    Incorporating age-appropriate chores into

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  • risky play

    How to let your child engage in risky play (without having a heart attack)

    June 10, 2024

    Learning to assess hazards and understand risks in life is a normal part of an adult’s every day – but how did we learn to do this – and how can we teach our children to do the same?
    Taking risks and learning from them is an inevitable and important part of growing up. And as parents or carers, it is our responsibility to encourage healthy risk-taking behaviour. By understanding different types of such behaviour and the motivation behind them, you can set children up for success and reduce their risk of harm in future life.
    Here´s our essential guide to risky

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  • make a child feel safe

    Why is it important for a child to feel safe?

    June 5, 2024

    Why is it important for a child to feel safe?
    Since it´s Child Safety Week, we thought this was an important question to answer.
    At Schoolhouse Daycare, we are committed to child safety and ensuring that every child feels secure and nurtured in our environment. After all, this is key to helping them learn and grow confidently, and for the healthy development of their young minds.
    If you want to know more about how to make a child feel safe and why this is so important, read on.
    The importance of feeling safe and valued
    Feeling safe and valued is essential for a child’s development.

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  • things to do with baby

    Fascinating facts about children’s brains during the Early years

    May 10, 2024

    Have you ever considered the miraculous journey of a child’s brain development during the early years? This period, teeming with growth and transformation, is a marvel to behold. To explore this intricate process in more depth, here are 6 fascinating facts you may not know about your child´s brain development.
    #1 – The majority of brain growth happens in the first 5 years.
    A fact that might surprise you is that a newborn’s brain, though only about a quarter of an adult’s in size, expands to almost 90% of adult size by age five. And that’s just the start.
    In the early years,

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Our Nurseries

A Special Journey

As parents, we understand how important it is to choose the right day-care provider for your child. We know how hard the decision is to leave your child for the first time and, for some, how difficult the return to work can be.


  • "We are very happy with the care that our daughter gets at Schoolhouse. The staff are all very caring and she has really developed social skills being at the nursery."
    – Sian Richards, daughter Erin Richards (Bridgend)
  • "We have been very happy with the care of all three of our children. Staff are always accommodating to needs and routine." – Sian & Will Havelock, son Rohan Havelock (Bridgend)
  • "The helpful and friendly staff did a fantastic job of putting two nervous parents at ease.  There are plenty of activities for the children and good inclusive feedback is given at the end of each day.  The staff are enthusiastic and enjoy what they do, so you feel your child is their number one priority.  This also creates a great atmosphere for children to be in. Couldn't recommend enough."
    – Claire and Roz (Singleton)
  • "Amelie is a different child to before she started at nursery, and I know that this is because of the routine, care and attention she gets." – Maeve Brisk (Singleton Swansea)
  • "Dear all, many thanks for taking excellent care of me and teaching me many things including English! I have had a great time in nursery but now I am going to school. I will come back to the holiday club soon! Lots of love." – Rebecca Del Sol Gonzalez (singleton Swansea)
  • "To all the girls in Tweenies, thank you so much for looking after Oscar so well. He had a bad experience at his first nursery so it is amazing that he settled in so quickly with you all at Singleton. This is a testament to how caring and friendly you all are. Thank you so much for all your hard work. He seems to be loving it in the Toddlers section but I'm sure he is missing you all very much! Best Wishes." – Holly, Mark and Oscar Bowtell (Singleton Swansea)
  • "It is great to hear about Oliver's progress at Parent's evening. I love the book and gorgeous photo's. Thank you very much."
    – Denise Sullivan' (Singleton Swansea)
  • "Dear Jayne/Rachel and all nursery staff. Thank you so much for the lovely card and book you gave to Isaac. We're so grateful and really touched. We took the book into hospital, he loved reading it - fire engines are a big hit at the moment! Isaac is all recovered and back to his normal energetic self!   –  Suzy Tolley (Singleton Swansea)
  • "Dear Staff and Friends, just to say a big 'diolch yn fawr' for both Elis and Mabli's lovely presents when Mabli became a big sister to Elis. We were so touched by how thoughtful you all were, and by your good wishes."
    – Lloyd, Katie, Mabli and Elis Ebden (Singleton Swansea)
  • "Parents evening was very informative, I enjoyed hearing 'Suzy stories' thank you." – Katy Prosser' (Singleton Swansea)