Springtime learning and development: the benefits and 6 spring activities for kids

Spring is in the air! This means it´s the perfect time to get our children outside, learning and engaging in spring activities that nurture their physical well-being.

Need help with some ideas? Here´s why spring activities are so important along with our top ideas to help with your child´s learning and development.

The benefits of outdoor learning in spring

Outdoor play is so important for children as they grow – here´s why:

  • Enhanced physical development: Spring activities encourage children to be active, improving their physical strength, coordination, and overall fitness.
  • Stimulated curiosity and exploration: The vibrant spring environment, with its new life and growth, naturally increases children’s curiosity and exploration.
  • Improved mental well-being: Time spent outdoors in the fresh spring air can significantly boost mood, reduce stress, and enhance mental well-being.
  • Hands-on learning: From observing plant growth to understanding weather changes, spring offer invaluable hands-on learning opportunities.spring activities for kids.
  • Increased connection with nature: Spring encourages a deeper appreciation and understanding of the natural world and environment.
  • Enhanced social skills: Outdoor activities often involve teamwork and communication, helping children to develop their social skills and make new friends.
  • Boosted creativity and imagination: The stimulating outdoor environment of spring can inspire creativity and imaginative play, both of which are essential components of cognitive development.

Top spring activities for kids that promote physical wellbeing

As the days grow longer and the weather warms up, here are some of the best spring activities for kids to get them moving, learning, and soaking up the season’s joys, all while promoting their physical well-being.

Nature walks and scavenger hunts: These adventures are brilliant for encouraging little explorers to hone their observation and curiosity skills, all while giving their physical fitness a boost.

Gardening projects: Getting their hands dirty is great for developing those fine motor skills. Why not start with some simple projects like planting a mix of colourful flowers or easy-to-grow veggies?

spring activities for kids

Outdoor art and craft: Think grand nature collages or vibrant sidewalk chalk art that gets them moving and creating.

Water play and exploration: From a makeshift water table in the backyard to conducting simple water-based experiments, the possibilities are endless.

Biking and obstacle courses: Whether it’s a leisurely family bike ride or a thrilling obstacle course set up in the garden. These activities are great for improving coordination and building physical endurance.

spring activities for kids

Picnics with a twist: Elevate the classic picnic with a dash of active fun. Toss in some games and physical activities like frisbee, catch, or even a mini-sports day to make those picnic outings extra special and lively.

Incorporating learning into physical activities

Merging education with physical activity can turn every outdoor adventure into a learning opportunity. Here’s how:

  • Counting games during a hike: Transform a simple hike into a maths lesson by counting steps, trees, or even birds along the path.
  • Learning about plant life while gardening: Use gardening time to teach about different plant species, their growth cycles, and the importance of biodiversity.

spring activities for kids

As spring rolls in, it’s the perfect time to get our kids moving and grooving outdoors. These fun activities aren’t just great for their health; they’re also a fab way to spend some quality family time. So, let’s make the most of this lovely season and help our little ones grow strong and happy.



At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.

Looking for more ideas and inspiration? See more from us here:

Hop into Spring: Fun Easter Traditions for the Whole Family

There’s nothing better than family time, especially around big holidays such as Easter. These are perfect for creating moments filled with laughter and creativity.

Want to create some Easter traditions? Let’s take a look at some experiences that are what Easter is all about, giving us precious memories to cherish.

1. Creative easter egg hunts

One of the most beloved Easter traditions for families is the Easter egg hunt, a thrilling quest for hidden treasures that delight both the young and the young at heart. Let’s take this tradition a step further with some inventive twists that promise even more fun and laughter.

  • Garden adventure: Transform your garden into an enchanting egg hunt with a traditional egg hunt peppered with hidden clues. Each clue leads to the next, turning the search into an exciting adventure. 
  • Nighttime glow: Add a sprinkle of magic to your Easter traditions for families with a nighttime egg hunt. Use glow-in-the-dark eggs to light up the garden, creating a mystical glow that guides the hunters.
  • Educational hunt: Who says Easter can’t be both fun and educational? Mix in some learning with your egg hunt by incorporating puzzles or riddles related to Easter or spring. Each solved puzzle reveals the location of the next egg, challenging kids to think and learn as they play. It’s a wonderful way to add depth to the egg hunt, making it a rewarding experience for curious minds.

easter traditions for families

2. Arts and crafts for all ages 

If you´re particularly crafty, why don´t you try some fun arts and crafts activities together? Such as:

  • Easter bonnets and baskets: Embrace the joy of DIY by crafting your own Easter bonnets and baskets. Utilise recycled materials, scraps of fabric, and a sprinkle of embellishments to create something truly unique. This activity also teaches the value of upcycling, making it a meaningful addition to your Easter traditions for families.
  • Egg decorating: A firm family favourite is egg decoration! Move beyond the traditional paint and dye; think natural dyes made from beetroot or turmeric, whimsical designs with stickers, or even temporary tattoos for a modern twist. Each egg becomes a canvas, reflecting individual imagination.

easter traditions for families

3. Cooking and baking easter traditions for families

Whether you love cooking and baking or you want your children to get culinary, there are a few on-theme things you can do to get your hands dirty:

  • Easter baking: Share the joy of baking with simple, Easter-themed recipes. Involve the kids in baking bunny-shaped cookies or crafting nest cakes with mini eggs nestled on top. 
  • Family brunch: Elevate your Easter with a festive brunch that caters to all taste buds. From savoury quiches to sweet pancakes shaped like Easter eggs, let your brunch be a feast that celebrates the season’s abundance.
  • Chocolate making: Add a twist to your Easter traditions for families with a chocolate-making session. Crafting your chocolate eggs or bunnies allows for custom fillings and decorations, turning each piece into a personalised work of art. 

easter traditions for families

4. Easter stories and games

Easter traditions for families often include tales of spring and renewal alongside games that bring everyone together.

  • Storytelling: Choose from a selection of Easter-themed books or stories that celebrate new beginnings and the wonders of nature. This cosy tradition not only entertains but also instils values of hope and renewal.
  • Easter games: Classics like the egg and spoon race, the bunny hop sack race, or the ever-popular pin the tail on the bunny, are fantastic ways to get everyone moving and enjoying the outdoors. These games are essential Easter traditions for families, creating lively memories that will be talked about long after the day is over.

easter traditions for families

Like any of these Easter traditions for families? Or perhaps you have your own? However you choose to celebrate, we hope you cherish these moments, creating memories that last a lifetime and bringing your family closer together each spring.



At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.

Looking for more ideas and inspiration? See more from us here:

How to encourage your children to read for pleasure

Encouraging children to read for pleasure can truly open up a world of adventure and imagination, significantly benefiting their development. In an era dominated by screens, convincing our children to pick up a book can often feel like a bit of a mission, right? Well, hopefully, not anymore.

We’re here to share some top tips for encouraging children to read – making the journey not just effective but incredibly fun for everyone involved.

Top tips for encouraging reading

There are so many benefits to reading.

  • Reading for pleasure boosts literacy skills, making words their friends rather than foes.
  • It fires up their imagination, turning them into little dreamers and thinkers.
  • And guess what? It even gives them a leg up at school, leading to better academic performance across the board.

So here´s how to encourage it!

1. Create a reading-friendly environment

Now, onto crafting that perfect reading spot. Imagine a cosy corner where stories come to life, a place so inviting that even the most stubborn screen-lovers can’t resist. A comfy chair, soft lighting, and maybe a few cushions can transform any nook into a reader’s paradise.

encouraging children to read

2. Lead by example

When it comes to encouraging children to read, nothing beats showing them how it’s done. Let them catch you lost in a book, chuckling at a funny line, or gasping at a plot twist. It’s all about showing them that reading isn’t just homework; it’s a ticket to adventure.

3. Integrate reading into daily routines

Making reading a regular part of your family’s day can work wonders. How about a bedtime story that takes them to dreamland? Or some quiet reading time while dinner simmers away?

Why not mix things up with a family reading hour? Everyone grabs their book of choice and dives in. It’s a great way to show that reading is for everyone, not just for school or bedtime. 

Check out our other blog Benefits of reading to your child for more information.

encouraging children to read

4. Choose the right books

Picking the right book can be like finding the perfect pair of shoes – it just fits. It’s about what sparks your child’s curiosity. Whether they’re into dragons or detectives, there’s a book out there that’ll light up their eyes.

Getting them involved in choosing their next read can make all the difference. A trip to the library or a browse through a bookstore can be an adventure in itself.

5. Encourage discussion and interaction

Chatting about a book is a golden chance to dive deeper into your child’s imagination. Why not turn it into a game? Ask them whacky questions about the story or what they’d do if they met their favourite character. It’s all about encouraging children to read and then share the joy.

encouraging children to read

6. Celebrate reading achievements

Who doesn’t love a bit of fanfare for a job well done? Setting up a reward system for hitting reading milestones can turn it into a thrilling quest. Imagine the beam on their faces when they earn a new book or a themed bash for finishing a story. 


In a nutshell, making reading a joy rather than a duty can light up a child’s world. From creating snug reading spots to celebrating each book finished, it’s all about fostering a deep love for stories. Let’s embrace these adventures in reading, turning every page into a journey of discovery for our little ones.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


Looking for more ideas and inspiration? See more from us here:

Why early reading experiences are important for children (and how to provide opportunities)

Early reading experiences are the foundation of lifelong learning and success. These first experiences with books not only spark imagination but also equip children with critical thinking and emotional intelligence. 

Here we will take a look at the vital role early reading plays in shaping the minds and futures of our children.

Why is early reading important?

Cognitive development

Early reading experiences are like a workout for the young brain. These experiences boost cognitive abilities, laying the foundation for critical thinking, problem-solving, and memory skills. As children navigate the twists and turns of narratives, they’re also constructing the mental pathways for complex thought.

early reading experiences

Language and communication skills

Beyond cognitive development, early literacy opens the door to rich language and effective communication. Immersing children in a world of words expands their vocabulary and improves their ability to express themselves. 

Social and emotional development

Shared early reading experiences weave the very fabric of social and emotional understanding. As children and caregivers read together, they embark on a journey of empathy, learning to walk in the shoes of different characters.

School readiness

The leap from the cosy lap of reading time to the structured environment of a classroom is made smoother by early literacy. Early reading experiences equip children with the toolkit they need to thrive in school, from staying engaged in classroom activities to following complex instructions. 

early reading experiences

Lifelong learning

Early literacy is just the prologue to a lifelong adventure in learning. It plants the seeds of curiosity and wonder, nurturing a love for reading that blossoms into an endless quest for knowledge. 

How to provide opportunities for early reading

Create a literacy-rich environment

Picture this: cosy reading nooks where stories come to life. Shelves brimming with books and every corner whispering tales waiting to be discovered. It’s about weaving literacy into the fabric of daily life.

early reading experiences

Read aloud

Reading aloud to children is akin to opening a treasure chest of words and wonders. As you bring characters and plots to life with the lilt of your voice, you’re not just entertaining; you’re laying the groundwork for robust listening and comprehension skills that echo far beyond the pages of any book.

Engage in conversations and storytelling

Turn every day into the extraordinary, where each question and tale shared becomes a stepping stone for language development and critical thinking. Encourage your little ones to ponder, question, and narrate their own stories. 

Provide access to books and resources

By ensuring access to a diverse array of books and literacy resources, we unlock endless possibilities for exploration and discovery. Libraries become treasure troves, bookstores turn into gateways to new worlds, and online platforms offer a universe of stories at their fingertips. 

Encourage writing and drawing

Early reading experiences are not just about the words we read but also about the ones we create. Through scribbles, tracing letters, and painting pictures, they’re weaving their narratives, connecting the dots between the language they hear and the stories they tell. 

early reading experiences

Early literacy is a key that unlocks potential, evens the playing field, and opens doors to endless possibilities.

To parents, caregivers, and educators: your role in this journey is invaluable. Through shared stories and united efforts, we can ensure every child holds the key to their own limitless story.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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Random Acts of Kindness Day: the Benefits for Families

Random Acts of Kindness Day is a perfect time for us to spread some joy together. From brightening someone´s day to bringing you closer as a family, kindness is truly magical. Let’s look at how random acts of kindness for families can benefit everyone! 

Enhancing emotional wellbeing

Isn’t it amazing how a simple act of kindness can light up your day? Random acts of kindness for families aren’t just about making others smile; it’s a surefire way to boost your happiness too! 

When we’re kind to others, it’s like a happiness boomerang – it comes right back to us, reducing stress and making everyone feel good. Plus, these acts of kindness are great for our mental health, helping to ease anxiety and keep those pesky blues at bay. 

Strengthening family bonds

Whether it’s baking cookies for a neighbour or picking up litter in the park, these shared moments of generosity do more than just help others; they bring us closer together!

Acts of kindness open up new ways to chat, laugh, and connect, deepening our family bonds. They remind us that we’re a team, creating a warm sense of belonging and mutual respect.

random acts of kindness for families

Promoting empathy and compassion in children

When we dive into random acts of kindness for families, we’re setting the stage for our children to grow into truly empathetic and compassionate people. Kindness activities are like empathy workouts for kids, helping them to put themselves in others’ shoes and feel what they feel. 

Empathy is an essential skill —it’s the foundation for strong friendships, healthy relationships, and just being a good person all around. For more insights and practical ways to teach your child about kindness, check out our blog: How to Teach Your Child Kindness.

Encouraging positive behaviour and social skills

These moments teach kids about the joy of giving without expecting anything in return and the importance of being part of a community. And guess what? These lessons stick. The social skills and sense of responsibility kids learn from kindness play a huge role in their success at school, in future jobs, and in life in general. So, by fostering kindness, we’re giving our kids a head start on a path to a bright and positive future.

random acts of kindness for families

Building a foundation for selflessness

Getting into the habit of random acts of kindness with your family plants the seeds of altruism in your children that can grow throughout their lives. When kindness becomes a regular part of their world, it becomes second nature for them to think about others and lend a helping hand without a second thought.

Creating a positive home environment

When families make random acts of kindness a part of their routine, they’re building a home environment where support and positivity thrive. This kindness reduces squabbles and misunderstandings, making room for more peace and harmony. 

random acts of kindness for families

We’ve seen how random acts of kindness for families can do wonders, from making us happier and closer to teaching valuable life lessons. As Random Acts of Kindness Day draws near, let’s embrace it as a chance to bring more kindness into our lives and the world around us. Every small act counts, creating a ripple effect that can transform communities.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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Professional Love in Early Years Settings: Why it´s Essential

Ever heard of professional love in early years? It’s about the unique care we early years educators offer, distinct from parental love but equally important. In fact, it’s gaining recognition for its role in young children’s development and wellbeing, going beyond basic education to provide warmth and emotional support. In this article, we give you some insights into what professional love is and why it is so beneficial for children.

What is professional love?

Dr. Jools Page introduced the professional love in early years concept to describe the unique care educators provide, distinct from but complementary to parental love.

While parental love is, of course, deep and personal, professional love is more about providing a supportive, caring environment in a more educational setting.

Why is professional love important?

Emotional warmth and care are crucial for children to thrive, going way beyond just being nice to them. Professional love in early years education means really understanding what each child needs and building trusty relationships.

It’s not just about cuddles and kind words (though they’re important!). Professional love is about making children feel at home while keeping things professional. It’s about seeing them as whole people, where feeling good and safe is just as important as learning their ABCs.

Children who feel loved and secure are more curious, more eager to learn, and get along better with others. It’s all about being there for them in the right way, whether that’s with a comforting chat or just being by their side when they need it.

professional love in early years

How professional love in early years works in practice

For parents, understanding how professional love in early years is applied can be reassuring. Here are some ways we put it into action at our daycare:

  • We build trust with transparent communication: We regularly engage with families to build a foundation of trust. For example, we share insights about your child’s day, discuss developmental milestones, and are open about our caregiving approach.
  • We focus on a responsive caregiving approach: We tailor our interactions to meet the individual needs of each child. For example, using Dr. Page’s Triangle of Professional Love (ToPL) as a guide to understand and respond to the emotional and developmental needs of children, we can ensure our approach is both caring and professional.
  • We invest in our own professional development in emotional literacy: We invest in training for staff on understanding and managing our own emotions as well as recognising and responding to the emotions of children. This helps in nurturing emotional connections within professional boundaries.
  • We establish clear policies and guidelines: We develop and communicate clear guidelines on physical contact, confidentiality, and interpersonal interactions within the setting. This helps staff understand their roles with confidence and clarity.
  • We foster community and practice cultural sensitivity: We understand and respect the diverse backgrounds of the children in our care. Incorporating cultural sensitivity into our practice strengthens relationships with families and helps children feel valued and understood.

professional love in early years

The transformative power of professional love in early years

The impact of professional love in early years is profound, benefiting both children and educators. It creates a secure environment where children feel valued, boosting their eagerness to learn and explore.

Understanding professional love helps parents see the value in early years education, not just for academic learning but for emotional and social development too. It’s about ensuring every child feels supported, understood, and ready to take on the world.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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Nurturing Wellbeing and Emotions: How to Help Your Children Identify and Manage Their Feelings

Emotional intelligence is a crucial aspect of children’s development, and as a parent, it’s important to help your children manage their feelings effectively. It’s all about preparing them for a lifetime of identifying, understanding, and controlling their feelings in a healthy way. To help you do just that, here are some practical tips to help you guide your children towards emotional awareness and resilience.

Role model emotional behaviour

As a parent, you’re the blueprint your children follow for managing emotions. By demonstrating calm and composed reactions in your own life, you’re teaching your children the art of emotional control. Remember, in teaching your children to manage their emotions, your actions often speak louder than your words.

Have conversations about emotions and feelings

Regular discussions about emotions are essential to help your children manage their feelings. Encourage them to identify and express their feelings, from happiness to sadness. These talks help them understand their emotions, making it easier to navigate their emotional landscape as they grow.

controlling emotions

Teach them to recognise the emotions of others

Help your children manage their feelings by helping them recognise and empathise with the feelings of others. Start by using picture cards to help them identify facial expressions associated with various feelings. You can also engage in role-playing activities to guess each other’s emotions and encourage active listening during interactions with others, paying attention to tone of voice and body language cues.

This creates and encourages empathy and social awareness, which is essential for emotional intelligence and compassion.

Encourage positive behavior

Praise your child for positively managing their emotions, as this reinforcement guides them towards healthier emotional responses. It’s about nurturing emotional intelligence with recognition and support, valuing each step towards their emotional maturity.

teach your children to manage their emotions

Understand environmental impact

Children’s emotions are influenced by sleep, nutrition, and sensory experiences. By ensuring proper rest and a balanced environment, you’re teaching your children to manage their emotions, tackling the basics of their daily lives for emotional stability.

Develop coping strategies

Equip your children with a toolkit of coping mechanisms for those times when emotions run high. Whether it’s a quiet corner for calming down, creative outlets like drawing, or simple breathing exercises, these strategies can be lifesavers during emotional storms.

Encouraging them to find what works best for them not only empowers them but also instils a sense of control over their emotional responses. Remember, teaching your children to manage their emotions is about providing them with the tools to build their resilience.

Provide a safe emotional space

Creating a safe and supportive emotional environment is crucial in teaching your children to manage their emotions. Be their constant support, even in times of emotional turmoil. Your empathy and understanding provide a secure foundation, reinforcing that it’s acceptable to feel and express emotions. This safety net is essential for helping them navigate their feelings confidently and healthily.

teach your children to manage their emotions

Nurture emotional intelligence

By modelling, discussing, and encouraging healthy emotional habits, you’re laying the foundation to help your children manage their feelings effectively. Then, as they grow, these lessons will become invaluable tools, and they´ll be their best selves when understanding and interacting with the world.



At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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15 Time-Saving Tips For Busy Parents

As a parent, you’re constantly racing against time, balancing family responsibilities with personal needs. It’s crucial to find those precious moments for your family and yourself. We outline straightforward, effective time-saving tips for families, aimed at streamlining your daily routine.

1. Be Realistic

Juggling life’s demands means setting achievable goals and not trying to conquer the world every day. An important time-saving tip for families is about striking a balance, not reaching for the stars every time.

2. Prioritise Sleep

Remember, a well-rested parent is a productive one. Ensuring you get enough shut-eye isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessity.

3. Aim For Nutritional Balance

A balanced diet is your secret weapon for sustained energy and efficiency. Healthy eating isn’t a trend, it’s a lifestyle that keeps the whole family running smoothly.

TIme Saving Tips for Families

4. Plan Weekly

Mapping out your week can reduce those frantic, last-minute scrambles and bring a sense of calm to your busy schedule.

5. Learn to Delegate

Family teamwork makes the dream work. Look how you can share chores and responsibilities, one of the top time-saving tips for families that the whole family can participate in!

6. Prioritise Tasks

Learn to spot the urgent and important tasks in your daily whirlwind. Focus on what matters and put less critical things on the back burner.

Time Saving Tips for Families

7. Invest in Time-saving Services

From grocery delivery to cleaning services, consider smartly reallocating tasks to create more family time.

8. Maintain Work-life Boundaries

Draw a clear line between work and home life. It’s essential for your mental well-being and ensures you’re fully present where it counts.

9. Eliminate Distractions

A fantastic time-saving tip for families is to cut through the noise of daily life by minimising distractions. This boosts your focus and productivity, making every minute count.

Time Saving Tips for Families

10. Avoid the Perfection Trap

Ditch the pursuit of perfection. It’s a surefire route to stress and unrealistic expectations. Remember, good enough is often just that — good enough.

11. Practice Mindfulness

Embrace mindfulness and meditation to anchor your days. It’s about finding calm in the chaos, enhancing focus, and reducing stress.

12. Limit Multitasking

Multitasking might seem efficient, but it often leads to half-done tasks. Focus on one thing at a time for better results. It’s about quality, not just ticking boxes.

Bedtime Christmas Stories

13. Identify and Reduce Time-wasters

Be vigilant about activities that eat up your time without adding value. Cut down on endless scrolling or unnecessary commitments to free up more moments for what truly matters.

14. Keep To-Do Lists

Stay on top of your game with to-do lists. They’re the roadmaps that guide you through your busy day, ensuring nothing important slips through the cracks.

15. Schedule ‘Me Time’

Never underestimate the power of a break. Prioritise ‘me time’ for your mental and physical well-being. It’s not selfish; it’s essential for rejuvenating and returning stronger in your parenting role. (Need help with this? Read: How Can a Busy Mum or Dad Practice Self-Care?)

Women reading to represent how to prioritise self-care as a parent

Don´t just survive, thrive!

By embracing these time-saving tips for families, you’re not just surviving the day-to-day but thriving in it. Remember, effective time management isn’t about doing more; it’s about doing what matters most efficiently. So, take these strategies, apply them to your unique family dynamics, and watch as your days transform into a more balanced, fulfilling experience for you and your loved ones.




At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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How You Can Strengthen Family Relationships in the New Year

Do you want to strengthen family relationships this new year?

Family is the most important thing to all of us so naturally, when we think of how to bring even more happiness and success to the new year, spending more time together is pretty much at the top of our list. If you want to strengthen family relationships in the coming year, here are some great ideas that are easy to implement straight away!

1. Follow a routine

Over the Christmas holidays, it’s easy for daily routines to get scraped but what many families don’t know is that lack of structure can be a massive source of stress for children (not to mention the parents too!). As it’s the start of the new year, make sure you start it off right by returning to your usual bedtime and morning routines or by creating new ones. Trust us when we say everyone will be a lot more positive as a result of it!

2. Plan regular family time

Regular family time is vitally important for maintaining a strong sense of togetherness, so to strengthen family relationships this year, get into the habit of planning family time once a week. This could be something as simple as having a film or board games night or planning a weekend trip somewhere. The most important thing is to make the most of this time together so this means no phones!

A family having a water fight outdoors

3. Practice gratitude

Being grateful for one another is very important for bringing each other closer together so resolve to make gratitude a habit in your family this year. Whether it’s having everyone say one thing they are thankful for before dinner, starting a family journal or simply emphasizing the importance of saying “please” and “thank you,” teaching your children (and yourself) to be grateful for what you have is essential for building relationships and for getting through hard times.

4. Improve your communication skills

Communication problems are at the heart of almost every relationship and family issue so why not aim to do better this year? This means teaching your children about the importance of honesty and transparency but also modelling this type of communication to them too! This can be a difficult one to master but if your children see you trying, they will follow suit and you will strengthen family relationships along the way.

5. Support one another in your individual resolutions

Building your family relationships isn’t just about spending time together, it should involve working on yourself too. Sit down together and ask each person what new healthy habit they would like to work on this year. For little ones, this might be as simple as doing more arts and crafts, but whatever answers people give, you should brainstorm as a family the ways you can support each other and follow this through throughout the year. As your children grow so will the trust in your family relationships and you’ll all feel just how much you can depend on one another for support.

Two little girls hugging and laughing outside

6. Get fit together

Habits are easier to keep when you do them with someone, plus it brings you closer! Whether it’s spending more time outdoors each day, getting to bed early or adding more fruit and veg to your daily dishes, sit down and decide as a family how you will prioritise your health this year. If you all decide together, you’ll all be far more likely to stick to it!

7. Prioritise one-on-one time as much as possible

Whether you have one child or several, it’s essential that you have some one-on-one time with them every day. Even if it’s just 5 or 10 minutes, commit to spending some time each day to play with your child and to listen to what they’ve done that day. These interactions show your children how much they mean to you, especially if you’re praising them for a task that they’ve done well that day. This does wonders for their self-esteem and to strengthen family relationships.

8. Praise your child for positive behaviour

While it is important to correct misbehaviour, it is just as essential to praise the type of behaviour that you want from your children. For this new year, try to do this more. Even if it’s just telling them how thankful you are for them, how much you appreciated that they put their toys away or how proud you are of their accomplishments however big or small. Your children can sense how genuine your statements are and if you accompany these with a pat on the back or a big hug, it will help to bring you closer.


It’s always a good time to strengthen family relationships

We are talking about starting the year right, but there’s never a bad time to strengthen family relationships! Whatever time of year, start practising gratitude, communicate openly with each other, and prioritise quality time together – you’ll soon see that you’ll have stronger relationships because of it.

a little boy holding his mother's face

At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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Why You Should Use Kindness Elves This Christmas (Instead of the Elf on The Shelf)

With Christmas fast approaching, it won’t be long before a certain elf comes to stay for their annual visit. Each day in December, they bring magic and mischief to our homes – causing chaos all in the name of Christmas spirit. Yet, have you ever wondered what it would be like if they were nicer? This year we invite you to find out! We’ve switched out our Elf on the Shelf and are ready to share all of our secrets about why you should use kindness elves this Christmas.

What are the benefits of using kindness elves?

There are many reasons why you should use kindness elves this Christmas. They encourage good behaviour, promote helping others and set a positive example for your children. But the real magic lies in the lessons they teach us.

You see, despite our best intentions, telling our children that Santa won’t come if they’re naughty puts all of the focus on their negative behaviour. Instead, kindness elves teach us to focus on the positives.

By encouraging acts of kindness and rewarding selfless behaviour, kindness elves teach our children how good it feels to be generous! They also understand that we slip up every once in a while – they’re not here to judge our mistakes or report us to Santa. This removes any pressure or shame our children may feel during the run-up to Christmas.

At the heart of it, kindness elves teach our children that gifts aren’t something to be earned or bargained for – they are a token of someone’s love and appreciation.

an elf

How should you use your elves to encourage kindness?

Since your elves won’t be getting up to their usual mischief this year, it’s a good idea to re-introduce them to your children. Kindness elves often like to introduce themselves with a letter. This way, they can explain why they’ve come to stay and what your children can expect during their visit.

Kindness elves like to spread Christmas cheer with kind gestures. During their stay, they will leave notes and ideas for fun and thoughtful activities for your children. On some days, they will even leave special treats to reward good behaviour! You will still find them hiding around the house (bathing in the kitchen sink or climbing into your mixing bowl), but this year it will be to encourage acts of kindness – like doing the washing up or baking for a neighbour.

25 days of kindness

If your elves need some inspiration, we’ve come up with 25 ideas to help you spread some kindness this Christmas.

  1. Smile at a stranger
  2. Make someone else’s bed (as well as your own)
  3. Give someone a hug
  4. List 3 things you’re grateful for
  5. Bake for a neighbour
  6. Write someone a Christmas card
  7. Donate old toys/clothes to charity
  8. Do the washing up
  9. Visit a relative
  10. Help carry the shopping
  11. Pay someone a compliment
  12. Draw your friend a picture
  13. Tell a family member you love them
  14. Help cook the dinner
  15. Write down your favourite things about your parents/siblings
  16. Hold the door open for someone
  17. Call a Grandparent
  18. Pick up some litter
  19. Leave a kind note for a friend or family member
  20. Tidy your room
  21. Give someone a high five
  22. Help wrap up some Christmas presents
  23. Invite someone new to play with you
  24. Donate some food to your local food bank
  25. Write a thank you letter to Santa

children by a christmas tree

If you’re still wondering why you should use kindness elves this Christmas, we ask you this – what better way is there to spend the festive season than making a habit out of helping others? We hope we’ve inspired you to reinvent your Elf on the Shelf and to spread some extra kindness this Christmas season.


At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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