How Much Do Children Really Need From Santa? The Benefits of Having Less
December 15, 2022
We all want to treat our children at Christmas. But each year, it’s becoming more and more difficult to know where to draw the line. Between the pressure of keeping up with the Jones’ and teaching our children the value of money, we find ourselves reeling at the question – how much do children need from Santa? To help you debunk this Christmas conundrum, we will explore the benefits of giving fewer gifts to ensure that this festive season is full of gratitude (not greed).
What are the benefits of having fewer toys?
We’ve all heard the saying less is more. But
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November 14, 2022
As a parent, your needs are always secondary to your child’s. However, too many parents use this as an excuse to neglect their own needs, run themselves down and (ultimately) make themselves ill. So, to help address this unhealthy habit, we are sharing our advice on how to prioritise self-care as a parent.
1. Understand that you can’t pour from an empty cup
Before we dive into how to prioritise self-care as a parent, it’s important to discuss why self-care is so important.
The truth is, you cannot be the best version of yourself if you’re unhealthy and unhappy. So, if you want
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September 1, 2022
September can be a stressful time for our children. And understandably so! Returning to school after six weeks can be a daunting prospect. So it’s not uncommon for some children to suffer from back-to-school anxiety.
To help you identify whether your child is stressed about returning to school, we’ve outlined 8 symptoms of back-to-school anxiety. But don’t worry – our advice doesn’t end there. We’ve also included a few suggestions to help soothe your child if they are experiencing any anxiety.
1. Difficulty sleeping
Irregular sleeping patterns often signify your child is suffering from back-to-school anxiety. So keep an eye out for any
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August 8, 2022
Preparing your child for starting school is a scary experience – not just for them, but for you too! So we wanted to talk through our favourite tips to ensure you feel calm and collected on their first day.
Here are 5 strategies to help soothe your anxiety:
Take care of the logistics
There’s a lot to organise for your child’s first day of school. Transport, uniforms, lunches – the list goes on. So it’s understandable if you’re feeling stressed. The good news is that you can eliminate these anxieties by tackling your to-do list.
Start with the essentials (buying uniform, practising the school
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August 4, 2022
Imagine being told you have to start spending your weekdays in an unfamiliar place with people you don’t know. Scary stuff, right? Well, that’s what starting school can feel like for our children!
So to help smooth their transition and ease any anxieties, we’ve listed our top 10 tips to prepare your children for school:
1. Engage in lots of different activities
Your child will be involved in lots of different activities once they start school. So they will need to learn how to transition from one task to another.
By engaging in various activities at home (reading, playing, snacking), you can practice moving
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June 1, 2022
As adults, cooking is a part of our everyday lives – so it only makes sense to get our children involved in the kitchen. After all, we’ve all got to eat! So we may as well make some memories in the process! To show you how young children can help in the kitchen, we’ve put together a list of simple tasks and techniques for you to try based on your child’s age and abilities.
So, without further ado, let’s dig in:
0-18 months
Although your infant may not be old enough to participate in the cooking process, there’s plenty you can do to make
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March 12, 2022
Biting is a troubling topic for many parents. And although it is relatively common amongst young children and toddlers, it is still greatly stigmatised.
So to help break the stigma, we are unpacking all things biting. We will explore the common causes of biting, how to stop your child from biting and how to prevent biting in the future.
So, without further ado, let’s dig in:
What causes children to bite?
If you want to learn how to stop your child from biting, you must first understand why they are biting.
The truth is children bite for a whole host of reasons. Sometimes, it can
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February 8, 2022
We often regard kindness as more of a trait than a skill – but why can’t it be both? If you’re stuck wondering how to teach your child kindness, don’t panic because we’ve listed our 3 favourite ways to encourage kindness and generosity. And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve listed a whole bunch of random acts of kindness for you to try out too!
So, in the spirit of kindness week, here are our favourite ways to teach children kindness:
1. Lead by example
From their first words to their first steps – many of the skills our children develop are learned by
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February 4, 2022
Every relationship relies on the five love languages. They allow us to communicate our emotions whilst highlighting how we (individually) like to express and receive love. So why are they important?
Once you understand your child’s preferred love language, you’re able to express your affections in a way that benefits them the most. (Think of it as a ranking system – once you know which love language is #1, you can focus on that, rather than wasting your efforts on #5.)
Throughout this article, we will discuss how to identify each love language before exploring how to nurture your child based upon
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January 19, 2022
With winter setting in and flu season upon us, it’s time to start thinking about supporting our immune systems. We all know that a healthy, balanced diet can help boost our families immunity, but what about our youngest? To shine some light during these dark days, we’ve outlined our favourite healthy foods for children this winter.
Berries like strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Packed full of antioxidants and vitamin C, they help protect your child’s immune system and maintain their healthy cells. Despite being out of season, you can still buy frozen summer berries or switch them
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