How to Teach Your Child about Charity

7 April 2022

Supporting charities is a great way to help those less fortunate than ourselves. With so many valuable skills to develop (like generosity, selflessness and gratitude), partaking in charity work can be a great learning experience for the whole family. But what about your young children?
If you‘re wondering how to teach your child about charity, here are 5 fun ideas to spark their interest:
1. Discuss what charity means
When we search the definition of charity, Oxford Languages provides us with two definitions:

‘an organisation set up to provide help and raise money for those in need.’
‘the voluntary giving of help, typically in

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Our Snowdon challenge: how this fundraising event has made a difference to our Schoolhouse Team

1 April 2022

On April 30th 2022, eleven of our lovely SchoolHouse employees are climbing Mount Snowdon to raise money for ‘Talking Hands’.
‘Talking Hands’ is a charity that supports deaf children and their families by delivering activities and hosting events across Wales. Our goal is to raise enough money to supply their Rhymes and signs Mother and Toddler Group with lots of new BLS books and toys (along with other helpful resources).
Why we chose ‘Talking Hands’ as our Charity of the Year
At the heart of Schoolhouse are 5 Core values: Nurture, Inspire, Enjoy, Encourage and Learn.
These values are at the centre of all

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Tips and Tricks for Helping Your Little One Through Their Teething Journey

16 March 2022

As a parent, you can often feel powerless during a teething phase. After all, a teething baby can be difficult to console. So what can you do to help?
We’ve outlined some helpful tips and tricks to support you and your child through their teething phase. Everything from what symptoms to expect, how long the teething phase should last and, most importantly, what you can do to help. So without further ado, here’s everything you need to know about teething:
What to expect
Typically, teething begins around the 6-12 month mark. But don’t worry too much if your child starts teething slightly sooner

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How to stop your child from biting

12 March 2022

Biting is a troubling topic for many parents. And although it is relatively common amongst young children and toddlers, it is still greatly stigmatised.
So to help break the stigma, we are unpacking all things biting. We will explore the common causes of biting, how to stop your child from biting and how to prevent biting in the future.
So, without further ado, let’s dig in:
What causes children to bite?
If you want to learn how to stop your child from biting, you must first understand why they are biting.
The truth is children bite for a whole host of reasons. Sometimes, it can

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3 Easy Steps to Teach Your Child Kindness

8 February 2022

We often regard kindness as more of a trait than a skill – but why can’t it be both? If you’re stuck wondering how to teach your child kindness, don’t panic because we’ve listed our 3 favourite ways to encourage kindness and generosity. And if that wasn’t enough, we’ve listed a whole bunch of random acts of kindness for you to try out too!
So, in the spirit of kindness week, here are our favourite ways to teach children kindness:
1. Lead by example
From their first words to their first steps – many of the skills our children develop are learned by

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How to Connect with Your Child Using Their Love Language

4 February 2022

Every relationship relies on the five love languages. They allow us to communicate our emotions whilst highlighting how we (individually) like to express and receive love. So why are they important?
Once you understand your child’s preferred love language, you’re able to express your affections in a way that benefits them the most. (Think of it as a ranking system – once you know which love language is #1, you can focus on that, rather than wasting your efforts on #5.)
Throughout this article, we will discuss how to identify each love language before exploring how to nurture your child based upon

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8 Healthy Foods for a Growing Child

19 January 2022

With winter setting in and flu season upon us, it’s time to start thinking about supporting our immune systems. We all know that a healthy, balanced diet can help boost our families immunity, but what about our youngest? To shine some light during these dark days, we’ve outlined our favourite healthy foods for children this winter.
Berries like strawberries, blueberries and blackberries are rich in vitamins and minerals.
Packed full of antioxidants and vitamin C, they help protect your child’s immune system and maintain their healthy cells. Despite being out of season, you can still buy frozen summer berries or switch them

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The Big Benefits of Outside Play for Nursery Children

8 January 2022

Over the past year, we’ve learnt a lot about the benefits of fresh air and exercise. But do these benefits extend to our children? The short answer? Yes – and in more ways than one! So grab your coats because it’s time to explore the many (many) benefits of outside play!
1. Improved physical health
We all want our children to be as fit and healthy as possible (especially given the current circumstances). But did you know outside play not only helps to keep our children safe but also promotes better health and immunity? That’s right! There are a whole host of

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How to Keep Your Children as Healthy as Possible at Nursery

15 November 2021

Before starting nursery, it’s unlikely your child will have been exposed to many different germs. So, when placed in a new environment with lots of other children, it’s almost inevitable they will catch something. (Perhaps not the answer you expected when researching how to keep your children healthy). However, exposure to new germs is essential when developing a strong and healthy immune system! Think of it this way – no infection, no immunity.
So, the question is how to keep your children healthy (or as healthy as possible) when it’s likely they’ll be exposed to some sort of bug/virus/infection? To help

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Potty Training Regression: How To Work Through It

5 November 2021

After working so hard to potty train your child, it’s natural to feel disheartened when they start having regular accidents again. However, this doesn’t mean you should resort back to nappies. Potty training regression is usually the symptom of a problem – find the problem, and you’ll find the solution.
What causes potty training regression?
There are a few different reasons why your child may be regressing. Thankfully, they are all easily remedied. To help you identify what is causing your child’s accidents, we’ve outlined the most common causes of potty training regression.
We’re all guilty of getting distracted once in a while

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