Have you ever considered the miraculous journey of a child’s brain development during the early years? This period, teeming with growth and transformation, is a marvel to behold. To explore this intricate process in more depth, here are 6 fascinating facts you may not know about your child´s brain development.


#1 – The majority of brain growth happens in the first 5 years.

A fact that might surprise you is that a newborn’s brain, though only about a quarter of an adult’s in size, expands to almost 90% of adult size by age five. And that’s just the start.

In the early years, a child’s brain is very active, making over a million neural connections every second. These connections will influence future learning, behaviour, and health, quite literally moulding their future selves. Quite something, isn’t it?

#2 – Positive interactions are key to growth and success.

What’s heartwarming is how our interactions with children can help drive this remarkable growth. Simple acts like chatting, reading, or singing to a child can bolster these neural connections and encourage cognitive growth. Playing with them, and engaging with their imaginative worlds, is also a massive booster.

It’s been found that high-quality early childhood education can significantly impact a child’s success down the line. It’s akin to nurturing a tiny seed into a lush, sturdy tree over time.

toddler reading a book

#3 – Nurturing a strong parent-child relationship as early as possible is essential for social development.

Building on this, we move to attachment theory, which focuses on the emotional bonds children form with their caregivers during these early years. These bonds greatly impact their social and emotional growth. Simply put, consistent, loving care forms a secure attachment, fostering a positive self-image and a healthy approach to learning.

In contrast, inconsistent care can result in insecure attachment, which may hinder a child’s emotional development. Hence, these early bonds play a crucial role in shaping a child’s future.

#4 – Young children sleep so much due to learning, rather than rest.

Now, despite being bundles of energy, young children spend about half their time asleep. But don’t be fooled, their brains aren’t on a break. While peacefully snoozing, their brains are busy sorting out memories and assimilating the day’s experiences, further strengthening their neural pathways. This underlines just how crucial a good night’s sleep is for healthy brain development.

baby sleeping in a bed to represent child´s brain development

#5 – Children don´t have a dominant side of their brain in the first 3 years.

You might’ve heard about people being ‘left-brained’ or ‘right-brained,’ but in young children, things are a bit different. They utilise both sides of their brain equally until about the age of three when they might start leaning towards one side.

This could be why children are such amazing inventors and storytellers. It’s like they’ve got an orchestra in their heads, and everyone’s playing together!

#6 – Young children learn different languages incredibly well.

One of the standout marvels of early childhood is the natural gift for language. It’s remarkable how young kids can differentiate between different sounds and languages – something which often challenges adults.

That’s why we should embrace the opportunity to introduce children to different languages at an early age. They’re ready-made linguists, picking up sounds and structures with ease.

a little boy holding his mother's face to represent how to teach your child kindness

Childhood: A Time of Wonder

Peering into these captivating facts about a child’s brain development in the early years is like uncovering hidden wonders. This time is a hotbed of fast-paced development, with each child charting their unique course filled with milestones and discoveries.

As adults, we can play a vital role in guiding and nurturing this growth. These little humans aren’t just our future, they are our present too, a vibrant and exciting present that’s growing and learning each day.




At Schoolhouse Daycare, we enjoy learning, encouraging confidence and we love life! If you think your child would enjoy life at Schoolhouse, then please do not hesitate to arrange a visit.


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