Homeschooling tips for superhero parents working from home
February 17, 2021
Being a full-time teacher on top of working from home is just not possible. Yet, parents have somehow managed to juggle work, home life, parenting, and teaching for almost a whole year now! Like we said in the title of this blog, parents are superheroes.
Although many of us may have managed (and even if you feel like you haven’t, trust us when we say, you’ve done amazing), it’s good to be prepared for another few weeks and months of this juggling act (just in case). Yes, schools are starting to open up slowly again but we’ve been at this point
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November 16, 2020
It’s been incredibly difficult, having the children stuck indoors for what feels like most of 2020. Children are young and full of energy, they want to run and explore and be free, yet they’ve been cooped up unable to meet with friends or take part in the hobbies that they love. While it doesn’t look like this is going to change in the immediate, that shouldn’t stop you having quality time with your children. So here are our suggestions. Here are 15 of the best indoor activities, especially for those high-energy children that have been stuck inside and are in
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November 3, 2020
Just like with adults, children get stressed too. This might seem like a strange concept, as what do children have to be stressed about? They have no work or bills to pay, no responsibilities or pressures, but while this is true, we forget that it is hard growing up and learning what your place is in the world.
From learning new skills and having new experiences to more specific pressures such as academic performance, separation anxiety or relationships, children often suffer in silence. This can have a significant negative impact on their health and development, so as parents, we need to
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September 2, 2020
Is your child starting nursery or school soon? Are you fretting about this day instead of enjoying the anticipation and excitement of this upcoming milestone?
If you answered yes to both of these questions, don’t worry. Many parents and children are in the exact same position as you.
For children, the main source of anxiety around starting nursery or school is that they don’t know what to expect, whereas, with parents, the separation anxiety for them stems from the worry that their child will feel abandoned.
To help you both ease your separation anxiety, it is all about preparing for it; here
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August 10, 2020
While it hasn’t been compulsory for parents to send their children back to school these past few weeks, things might change as the schools prepare to reopen in September. As it’s a stressful time for everyone, it’s important that both you and your children feel comfortable and safe when the time comes. So how do you prepare for it? How can you support your children who are returning to school after lockdown?
Returning to school after lockdown: advice for parents
1. Find out how your children feel
Talk to your children about how they are feeling about returning to school after lockdown. Ask
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August 3, 2020
Covid-19 has had a negative impact on a lot of things; the economy, society, and travel, just to name a few. There are, however, a lot of effects that are not so obvious, such as the impact it has had on mental health.
One of the biggest impacts it has had is on children, especially now that we are coming out of lockdown and restrictions are gradually being eased. Children have become accustomed to having their parents around 24/7 in lockdown, so just like when they are very young, they are struggling to be separated from them.
If your
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July 11, 2020
Being positive is so much more than just ‘pretending’ that things are fine; it allows us to train our brains to be strong so that we can cope better when times get tough. Times like now. To help your children and yourself keep your mental wellbeing intact during this global pandemic, we want to introduce you to positive affirmations for children. Here is how to teach your children about the power of positivity!
What are Positive Affirmations for Children?
Positive affirmations for children (and mantras) are important tools that children can use to support themselves. They help them develop
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June 8, 2020
Following on from our complete well-being guide – How to Look After Yourself and Your Family During Isolation – we wanted to offer even more guidance to help get you through this difficult time. As you can never get too much support when it comes to well-being, we want to share our top well-being tips with you.
It is incredibly important to take some quality time for you, especially now with the anxiety and stress that the Coronavirus pandemic is causing, so to prioritise your ‘self-care,’ here are a few things that you should be doing every day.
8 well-being tips
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May 13, 2020
**COVID-19: this article is to help you stay well whilst staying home with children.
While everyone is experiencing a sudden change in their lives and daily routine, it is the parents among us who are put under even more pressure as they balance staying home with children with their full-time job, health worries, and financial concerns, all while caring for the vulnerable members of the family too. Just like the NHS workers on the front line, we also view parents as the unsung heroes of this difficult period and that’s why we wish to help as much as we can.
This has been
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April 10, 2020
Wondering how to keep your children well during isolation?
Parenting is tough. Throw in a global pandemic where you’re confined to your home and it can feel near impossible.
The next couple of weeks to months are going to be very hard for everyone, especially our children. Children are very susceptible to stress yet they don’t have the ability to fully understand it at such a young age so it can really take a toll on their mental and physical health. As children have a lot of emotional needs that need to be met for their healthy development, it’s important that we
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